TCS America East March 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST 6 | Morton Buildings some niches have when people think about building ... when we’re talking to a church group, doctor or lawyer looking to build a new office, it’s not uncommon for them to have a misheld perception ... they all want something that looks classy, and they’ll say, ‘We can’t use a pole barn.’ But some do their homework, and we’ve seen a growing percentage of customers coming, not simply drawn by perception of lower costs, but actually understanding the complete package of advantages. Beyond the speed in delivery and the affordability, the advantages of this building system include performance values, such as greater energy efficiency. As Nyberg explains, “You don’t have cold spots as compared with stud wall construction ... where for every sixteen or twenty-four inches you have a stud that’s basically going to result in a cold spot in the wall.” In post frame construction, due to the manner in which columns are spaced out and the framing goes together, full blankets of insulations can be applied column to column, creating a more effective barrier which ultimately reduces cold spots. Likewise, in standard stick-built or stud wall methodology, unless trusses are done in a special manner, there’s a significant reMorton Buildings | 7 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K duction in ceiling insulation as one moves toward sidewalls, a problem mitigated in post frame construction. Flexibility in interior spaces as well as exterior features further add to the benefits, from brick, stone and other exterior finishes and options in doors and windows to the variety of shingled roofing systems to accommodate all manner of roof pitch, post frame building still allows for the range of applications that enable any structure to stand-out as architecturally unique. “You can make the building look however you want it to look and function however you want it to, too,” says Ny-