TCS America East March 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST 6 | CCI Automated Technologies new ideas and ways to lower operating expenses. We create a strong business relationship and provide exceptionally trained and technically competent employees,” he says. “We’re a customer-focused and customer satisfaction organization.” CCI currently employs approximately 110 staff members, including a roster of expert technicians that provides clients with the highest-quality work with minimal disruption. After installation, if problems do arise, the company has 24/7 technical support and is equipped to identify and resolve them immediately. Their staff can also help with repair and recovery in case a system failure occurs. Among the staff, Costantini is dedicated to promoting a team atmosphere. “We’re really focused on employee development,” he says. “Management really looks to the boots on the ground to provide the next really great ideas, and to really stay engaged and connected to our client base.” “Our people are the intellectual property of our company and we have invested quite a bit in the technical training and development tomake them the most astute employees in the marketplace – whether they’re in sales, a technical employee or anyone in operations.” CCI prides itself on being a company that constantly sets the standards when it comes to technology. One of the main ways they have managed that is by having an engaged and forward-thinking staff. “We’re always having strategic meetings where we’re CCI Automated Technologies | 7 working with employees on the frontlines that might have unique ideas so we can translate it, as an organization, into the next sales opportunity or productivity improvement that brings more value to our client.” ENERGY ANALYTICS CCI Automated Technologies recently released their energy analytics product into the marketplace, which is an example of their cutting edge capabilities. While the general product has been available elsewhere for a number of years, CCI’s version is more uniquely-valuable because it can be applied to any building, anywhere, and its price point is extremely competitive, Costantini says. “It provides us with new relationship opportunities, where we can then leverage that channel to sell other services and broaden our business.” “We’re under development for expanding the functionality of that tool to include operating analytics and media. By the end of 2013, we expect to have the operating analytics launched into the marketplace,” he adds. That type of expansion and development is typical of what CCI will continue to achieve going forward. As a full infrastructure technology company, CCI is positioned for expansion. Looking ahead, Costantini envisions CCI growing to a national building automation and infrastructure technology company that is 10 times their current size. “We’re a level above anybody else in the marketplace,” he says. “When you find the most difficult challenge, the first name you think of is CCI Automated Technologies because of the people that we deploy in the marketplace. We will continue to grow that reputation along with the company.” o Maury Costantini