TCS America East March 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST Today, Hy-Tec takes on a wide range of project types, everything from complex medical facilities and functional municipalbuildingstoexpansive manufacturing warehouses and custom lakeshore homes. The size and value of their projects also varies – they can take on churches, schools and hospitals valued at $20 million, but they’ll also show up and switch a couple door frames for an existing client. “Over the years, we’ve learned that we need to take care of the clients that take care of us,” Mitch says. “That’s the key to our success.” No matter whom the client is, or what they want built, Mitch believes they choose Hy-Tec for the same reason – their reliability. “We’ve been around for 32 years,” he says. “If we say we’re going to do something, we do it. If we give a price, we stick to it. We’ve proven ourselves. Customers know what they’re going to get when they work with Hy-Tec Construction.” Customers also know they will be getting a high quality of workmanship. Mitch claims that the “Hy-Tec way” is to deliver the “greatest amount of quality possible.” He says they can deliver that quality because of the calibre of their team – they hire only the highestskilled craftsman and work with only the most reliable of local subcontractors. When it comes to their direct team, they employ a lot more workers than most comparably sized construction companies. They have a concrete crew, they have a steel erection crew, and they have a carpentry crew. Most of those crew members have “construction in their blood,” just like Mitch. A lot of them are second or third generation builders. The company’s subcontractors, meanwhile, are similarly experienced, and they tend to share the same values as the direct team. “We have an amazing group of subcontractors and trades who know their stuff and who work hard,” Mitch says. “We know we can count on them.” ManyofHy-Tec’ssubcontractors have been working with the company for almost 30 years, since Hy-Tec was first formed, or close to it. The advantage of that longevity, Mitch believes, is mutual trust and dependability. The company is confident that if there is an issue on site, their trades will go the extra mile to resolve it. In return, their trades can rely on Hy-Tec to make their jobs easier and generally do right by them. “We know that if we need help from them, they’re going to take care of us,” Mitch says. “And if they need help from us, we’re going to take care of them. We approach all our projects as a team. Everything is done through teamwork.” Hy-Tec’s quality is also a result of their supervision. Mitch describes the company’s roster of superintendents as “the heartbeat of our projects.” “If they ever see something they don’t like, they’ll make sure it gets fixed before we go any further,” he adds. “They’re looking out for the best interests of our clients at all times. That’s the message they’re preaching every day.” “The thing we tell everybody that works for us is that ‘Our name is on every project,’” he says. “No matter what the warranty says, we’re married to that project for life. We want to make sure it comes out right, and we want to make sure it’s