TCS America East March 2024

Struble notes that EPS is “looking to continue growth in all aspects of our business. Times change and business sectors change, so we always analyze the difference sectors in our markets. We do our best to focus on whatever industry is hot and growing. Lately those industries are the fiber and technology. Multifamily construction is still hot too. We are in multifamily construction from the electrical and low voltage side. We are focusing on those markets. We should see continued growth through the next five years.” Currently, EPS works in areas of the central United States, like Illinois and Iowa. While they do not necessarily see themselves growing nationally, they will strive to continue to grow in services and clientele regionally. It seems as if EPS has no intention of stopping their growth anytime soon, as they have steadily continued to expand for the past 33 years. Regardless of the project or the needs, EPS makes it clear that any client will be treated like family. The company culture of service and family makes EPS able to withstand the test of time. This is a family that will continue to grow for generations to come. DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST