TCS America East March 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST 8 | Epcon Homes & Communities Epcon also stands apart in the marketplace by catering specifically to active adults seeking homes that provide exterior maintenance and other services. The company sticks to that sector exclusively, and does not dilute their focus by trying to appeal to other demographics. An Epcon Franchise provides a detailed development system that includes Prototype Plans, extensive estimating and bidding information, and marketing materials and support. Additionally, ECFI provides technical support for operations and the company’s retail web site. “The value of Epcon Homes & Communities | 9 Discover technology-driven solutions for the residential construction industry. Successful Rebate Management Solutions for Builders Successful Solutions for Building Product Manufacturers Call (800) 274-2632 or visit today to learn more. an Epcon franchise is for a business person to get into this lucrative business, with all the systems and marketing assets made available to them, to drive a greater number of sales,” says TimRini, Vice President at EpconCommunities Franchising. In addition, franchise partners are drawn to Epcon due to the market demographic they have successfully targeted. Demographic statistics indicate that approximately 10,000 people turn 50 years old each day. Epcon Communities’ franchisees provide the homes and lifestyles those buyers are seeking! TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION ECFI provides its Franchisees with current training, information, and best practices as it effects their industry, making it more convenient for the Builder Partners to have the latest information influencing their businesses. Epcon Communities Franchising offers orientation programs for new Franchise Build Partners, construction personnel, and sales professionals, which is organized and facilitated by ECFI’s in-house Training and Development Manager.