TCS America East March 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - EAST 12 | Morton Buildings demands of design and building performance needs are not only understood, but accurately fulfilled. As Nyberg says, “It is much different today. The focus in the past was more on a product. You would purchase a building and if it met your expectations, you were happy.... today, people not only want a quality building, but they also want to be able to enjoy the experience of purchasing the building and watching that building go up. There’s a broader expectation of the market. There is a concern, ‘How quick can you get back to me? How fast can you design and configure the building? When is it going to happen and how it is going to happen? What is the crew like?’ People still want a quality building, but they also want an enjoyable experience in buying and watching that construction take place – that’s what we provide.” As for the future, Nyberg says Morton is encouraged to see some pick-up in the commercial and residential sectors of its business, areas that were impacted at the height of the economic debacle national recession. While the company weathered the storm by focusing on services to the ag sector which didn’t feel the degree of impact, Nyberg says it is only in the last Morton Buildings | 13 year that the company has seen increasing demand in home and office construction, as well as “toy-box” projects. “When men have toys, they want toy-boxes,” says Nyberg, meaning structures for the storing of boats, four-wheelers, or even airplanes – Morton has built a variety of toy-boxes too. “We can be positioned the best in company health, when we have a broad range of niches we’re active in ... ag sector has been good and office or warehouse development never totally disappeared, but was running at low level. We’ve seen pick-up in that as well as residential projects, and are much more confident in terms of forward growth than we were a few years ago,” says Nyberg. Ironically, when the housing market suffered, Nyberg says it was interesting to note how many builders suddenly took interest in post frame construction process. “The number of players in our niche really expanded... suddenly, builders were at the table wanting a piece of the business which never existed before,” says Nyberg. While the post frame construction may appear to be a very simple and easily learned trade, many of these new entries into our market miss some of the details which truly set post frame apart. If history repeats itself, once the housing market picks up these buildings will return to their roots. As Nyberg says, “People are coming and going all the time, not knowing whether or not they’ll be around isn’t healthy attitude verification on the customer side of things.” As for Morton Building, it has been mastering the craft for more than 100 years and, as Nyberg will attest, is positioned to further build upon its legacy in the building industry.