TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH 8 | Synchro Building Corporation resulted empowered the company to tackle projects with a rare efficiency and capability. Hancock also incorporated emerging technology to further increase efficiency. “Back then, selling an architect on a CAD system was almost like blasphemy, because most like to draw on a piece of paper with little squares, but I knew they would eventually come to like it. We had to train them, just like we had to train those who were still using adding machines to do what Excel does today. Seamless has got a real meaning here and we feel we do it as well, if not better, than anybody in our business,” says Hancock. SYNCHRO QUALITY & SAFETY Design-Build requires a concentration in cooperation and collaboration atypical of traditional processes and at Synchro, Hancock says it has also cultivated a team of people who drive for quality and safety. That team includes professionals such as Director of Design Kevin McCreary, A.I.A., who has more than 25 years experience in designing commercial and industrial buildings, as well as specialty infrastructure in testing plants, laboratories and warehouses. McCreary is certified by the National Council of ArchiBJ Services Admin Synchro Building Corporation | 9 tectural Registration Boards in Texas and holds additional licensure in Louisiana and Arkansas. There is also Construction Manager Matt Smith who has been with Synchro for almost 20 years. Smith manages all field operations and is directly responsible for the safety and quality programs, but also works closely with Design and Project Management performing constructability reviews, developing estimates and performing procurement activities. Hancock says that McCreary had never worked in a design-build environment prior to his arrival at Synchro, and therefore, was apprehensive that he wouldn’t be able to get what he wanted from construction. After meeting with Matt Smith, he soon learned that everyone at the company was driving to deliver quality. “It’s something we work on as a team, and we will not compromise on quality, in fact, we have never put out a product that had a quality issue. Our track record speaks to that, and we have everybody on the same page, with the same mentality about quality. We want the customer to be happy not only when they occupy the building, but ten years later, or twenty years later. We want them to be happy when they see us