TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH voted on by employees. Way Engineering was a finalist in the ‘Large companies (100399 employees)’ category, and overall finished 11th of all 108. As further evidence, Matt cites the company’s retention rates, and the volume of employees they have who have been there 10 years or longer. “We have an annual Christmas party where we recognize those folks in five year increments,” he explains. “It’s not uncommon to see people recognized for being here 30 years. I’ve seen some people recognized for being here 40 years.” Matt credits that longevity, again, to the company’s transparency and openness. “Everyone here knows what direction they are supposed to be pulling the rope,” he says. “The company’s vision is communicated thoroughly and competently, in a way that people understand.” Way Engineering also feels “stable,” Matt says, and employees appreciate that. He credits that feeling to the McCorvey family, who are on their fourth generation of ownership. Even during the pandemic, Matt says, they made sure that employees felt secure. “If I could speak for all the employees, I’d say that we appreciate what the McCorveys have done for us,” he says. “The pandemic was pretty tough on the construction, but throughout it all they treated everybody fairly and like family. We certainly appreciate the way they handled things. We appreciate their resiliency.”