TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH To learn more about Compass Industrial LLC—and to contact their team—visit everyone held accountable, but they treat each other equally and work side by side as equals. A team cannot be successful if a single person does not believe in the success and mutual goals of the team. When looking at the future, Hill is optimistic about the direction of the company. Undoubtedly, the positive and supportive company culture will continue to spur the company’s growth. “Collectively we want to continue pushing our boundaries and let the rest happen organically” remarks Hill. “We will be diversifying into different sectors within our industry in the future, our entire team is very excited.” Despite its youth, this company works hard offer services that are efficient, ergonomic, safe, and delivered to the highest standards. Their like-minded team believes firmly in the services they provide to clients and will do what they can to give absolute attention to their clients needs regarding overhead cranes.