TCS America South January 2024

TDIndustries’ scope of work on the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center included all air distribution for the hospital. That included air-conditioning, heating and exhaust – but it also included steam-producing boilers, which were needed for the autoclave sterilizers, as well as all the medical gases in the patient rooms. According to Randy, the most challenging aspect of the project was installing a curved linear diffuser in the atrium, on a wall that “continuously curved, kind of like a snake.” Getting a device built to the perfect specifications required “a lot of collaboration and a lot of meetings,” he says – especially since the vendors were in Canada, and were not available to personally visit the site and inspect it for themselves. “It took the sheet-rocker getting involved,” he explains. “It took engineers, project management, field teams, specialty laser scanning – it was probably the most challenging thing we had to do just because of all the back work.” Randy admits that he had some private skepticism before the installation, but says it was proved entirely unfounded. “It went in almost perfectly,” he says. “It was absolutely beautifully done.” FEBRUARY 2020 Beautifully done John and Randy are both proud of the project for the way the team came together and overcame challenges like that one. That kind of collaboration, they say, occurred throughout the lifecycle of the project, from beginning to end. “I’m proud that we started out in a team atmosphere, and we ended that way,” John says. “We kept it together throughout the project. And the results speak for themselves.” Randy agrees: “My happiest thought was when we were turning it over, and I was standing on the second floor overlooking the atrium, thinking about the teamwork that got us there,” he says. “We made it on time and within budget, and I walked away knowing that I would love to do another job with the exact same team all the way around.” “Sometimes you leave a job and you think, ‘Thank gosh it’s over, I don’t have to worry about it anymore,’” he adds. “I THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA “The team that we had out there, all the way around, was probably one of the best teams I have worked with.” DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH