TCS America South January 2024

8 | Oneida Builders ings from reduced utility costs. That’s critical as Sinisgalli reports that in recent years electricity prices have increased by more than 70 percent, but “green” homeowners are spared from the impact of elevated costs. Sinisgalli acknowledges that this may often mean more in up-front costs, but they more than pay for themselves in the long run. “Some customers have air conditioning running for nine months of the year and heat running three months out of the year, but no idea about how much energy they’re using. Some have no interest in embracing the efficiencies which come from green practices, but I’ll ask them, ‘If I take my drill and drive five pinholes in your gas tank, would you spend the two thousand dollars to repair it?’ Most will say, ‘Of Course!’ because they’re concerned about wasting gas. I tell them it shouldn’t be any different when it comes to energy being wasted, they might have fifty percent of their air leaking air through ducts … so I try to educate them on solutions to overcome these problems… and I never recommend a green practice that I haven’t already done in my own house,” says Sinisgalli. Oneida Builders | 9 At present, Sinisgalli is striving to expand opportunities with national manufacturers of greed products, such as special insulation, to promote greater awareness of strategies which impart greater sustainability in home construction and remodeling. While these homes have been found to be both energy efficient and beneficial to physical health, in many communities such homes also have higher resell value. Sinisgalli says there is challenge in Georgia as the state has only one person qualified in making “green” appraisals involving home value. “Mortgage companies don’t get it right now, but that will change one day. Every builder and renovator would start focusing on green if it would mean getting even one lower point on mortgage rate, and I think that will eventually happen. It’s a slow process, but I shoot for the moon and hope to land on a star someday.” For more information on the range of quality design, renovation and construction services provided by Oneida Builders, as well as a portfolio of completed, visit the company’s website at DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH