TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH 10 | Foundations Design make improvements which carry over to the next project.” Success has enabled the company to be more selective as to what jobs they want to take on versus those that they might refer to other firms. And when it comes to referrals, both Pasternack and Trow have provided crucial support to real estate professionals in their market. REAL ESTATE CONNECTIONS ATL Pasternack and Trow are also sponsors of a monthly event designed to facilitate a positive atmosphere where real estate professionals as well as real estate related industries can join forces together to network, share ideas and strategies for success. Though Atlanta had events which specifically catered to members of the area real estate association, there was nothing which gathered realtors with the mortgage brokers, investors, insurance experts and other service providers under one roof. Trow says that when a purchaser is preparing to move into a new home in a new neighborhood, more often than not, will turn to the realtor for recommendations on service providers. The fact of that prompted Trow and Pasternack to create a forum that would allow industry professionThe Hardendorf Master Bath, after remodel Foundations Design | 11 als to become more acquainted with each other as well as their respect services. Harking back to realities resulting from the economic downturn, Pasternack says turnovers and turnarounds have seen some firms disappear from the community while others have moved in. Through Real Estate Connections, industry professionals are kept more up-to-date and informed of exactly who is doing what, as well as all that is going on, within Atlanta’s real estate market and the industries which fuel that market. As Trow says, “We’re taking all the spheres of influence and bringing them together under one roof.” Real Estate Connections has since become one of Atlanta’s largest and most prestigious of trade gatherings, with hundreds participating in these monthly networking events. Pasternack also works closely with a variety of real estate firms, conducting workshops and seminars, advising on what can be done to help existing inventory sell faster. To some degree, Pasternack and Trow’s television appearances serve to provide more than awareness of their own talents, but awareness of the home opportunities and lifestyle elements unique to Atlanta. The A&E network attracts millions of viewers throughout the The Hardendorf Master Bath, before remodel