TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH 4 | Foundations Design reaucratic permitting processes and building code requirements that can frustratingly vary fromdistrict to district inAtlanta, a bustling, hustling hub of hospitality distinguished as The New York of the South. Foundations’ achievements have prompted certain fame for the company’s co-founders, but don’t expect to find Peter Pasternack or Brian Trow reveling in any referral to their celebrity status. Though both men have become fixtures in the last six years of broadcasting affiliated with A&E Network’s Flip This House, Pasternack resists reference to his star appeal, saying, “We’re just two down-to-Earth guys who are running a business and using television as a marketing tool to promote more awareness of what we do.” Similar sentiments are shared by Trow, who says, “At the end of day, we’re business partners who love construction and design. Television is not who we are. Fame may come, but it will also go ... it will always end sooner or later, but if you have a good business set firmly in place, then you’ll be able to take whatever comes your way, and hopefully roll it into a better opportunity.” Ironically, it was the want of a better opportunity which figured in the early formaThe Prado Kitchen, after remodel Foundations Design | 5 The Prado Kitchen, after remodel