TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH 12 | Richard Wittschiebe Hand that requires a higher level of trust than other projects,” says Wittschiebe. Trust, no doubt, figures in all of RWH’s work, and that’smade clear as both share their perspective as to how their small, but capable firm, has secured contracts with some fairly substantial forces of industry. Their talent for teaming, for collaborating as opposed to dominating in group settings; their ability to listen as effectively as they offer input; their passionate attention to little details in form, color and texture; these are all hallmarks of what is often described as a woman’s touch, but are also elements of the practices perfected by RWH. This is a firm that places great emphasis on accountability, trust and Ross Street House (Zane Williams, Photographer) Richard Wittschiebe Hand | 13 commitment to relationships, but to be sure, those values are not only underscored in its relationship with clients, but also within its inner operations. In fact, for the last three years, RWH has been conferred with honors as an outstanding IDP firm; recognition of its training, mentoring and best practices involving intern development programs. Both Richard and Wittschiebe have also taken time to participate in a variety of charity events and mentoring programs which have put them square and center in front of a group of school children. Both agree that it is important for young girls to understand that architecture represents a meaningful career alternative, which may not always be at the forefront of their considerations. As important as it may be for girls to understand that professional opportunities exist for women, Wittschiebe says, “It is also important for young boys to realize that too.” In terms of the future, Richard says RWH will continue to be drawn toward projects that are not only design intense, but those that foster teamwork, promote sustainability and pose challenges that will enable her team to effectively demonstrate the range of the company’s service capabilities. As Richard says, “For us, the focus has always been more about the people we’re working with as opposed to the project... it’s never been about the end-design, but understanding what the client needs and wants, and then, incorporating that into the design and bringing it to life.” In so doing, as Wittschiebe affirms, “We can accomplish anything.” Ross Street House (Zane Williams, Photographer)