TCS America South January 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - SOUTH 10 | Richard Wittschiebe Hand says Wittschiebe. Design aesthetic and environmental sustainability are equal areas of focus for RWH, and reflect both professional and personal concerns of Richard and Wittschiebe. As Richard says, they’re particularly attracted to projects which take environmental sensitivity and energy efficiency into account. And while LEED certification is typically only associated with commercial and municipal development, RWH has incorporated those same standards in residential development. Even Richard’s home in Madison, Wisconsin, has secured LEED Platinum certification (the first in the state of Wisconsin). FAMILY FRIENDLY In accounting of the offices opened in Wisconsin, Richard provides insight which may further speak to the values that separate this International Traveler’s Club Richard Wittschiebe Hand | 11 firm from others. Despite being full-time, engaged professionals (which includes Wittschiebe’s role as the current President of AIA in Georgia), neither are so caught-up in business dealings as to lose sight of the importance of family. The need to provide care for a frail step mother basically prompted Richard to relocate to Wisconsin, yet she still finds time to commute to Georgia. Beyond this, and despite all of the firm’s work in commercial, educational and municipal infrastructure, Wittschiebe says they particularly enjoy working with families on residential projects. She says these require a differing degree of trust. “To effectively design and construct a home, in a way that makes sense for a family, you’re asking the client to reveal their inner workings... you have to take awareness of how a family operates and incorporate that into the design... Ross Street House (Zane Williams, Photographer)