TCS America West February 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - WEST prestigious AAA Four Diamond rating from the American Automobile Association, one of North America’s premier hospitality rating programs. Despite the Atlantis’ torrid pace of evolution and growth, the company’s senior leadership, led by CEO John Farahi, has never been content to rest on their laurels. John has challenged management to continue to strive to maintain their hard-fought position at the cutting edge of service, quality and technology. According to Perry Sanders, Director of Facilities, it is this commitment to continuous improvement that has powered the hotel’s continued success. “We have to create an environment for constant improvement,” Sanders states. “It’s absolutely imperative. If we don’t, we’ll be left behind in today’s uber-competitive market.” Perry has personally been in the hospitality industry for over 35 years. Prior to joining the Atlantis team, he constructed hotels, timeshares, casinos, and restaurants on dozens of islands throughout the Caribbean. Next, he spent a number of years constructing large infrastructure projects around the globe before finding his way back to the hospitality industry. After returning to the United States, he maintained the 18,000-acre Marlboro Ranch, an exclusive Montana guest ranch owned by Altria, the parent company of Phillip Morris. Whileworking inMontana, Perry received the call to explore the possibility of a new position at the Atlantis. He recalls his investigation into the company, where “the more research I did, the more I was impressed.” “The management team was incredible; their track record, experience and backgrounds were stellar; and their 11 per cent debt to equity ratio was unheard of in the hospitality industry, especially in gaming where most firms are super leveraged,” he says. “Honestly, it looked too good to be true.” Since Perry joined, the Atlantis has been in a constant state of renovation and rejuvenation. During his tenure, the company has added computerized fountains at the main entry (with a coordinated water, light and gas flame show every 15 minutes), they’ve renovated the top two guest suite floors, they’ve completely renovated the newly opened Atrium Bar and Lounge, and they’ve converted Café Alfresco into a brand new Asian restaurant and dim sum bar. They have also added Paradise Suites, elevators, and escalators. They aren’t stopping there. Future plans now include the complete renovation of all bars, bathrooms, and guest rooms, while simultaneously converting the exterior facade and Porte-cochére with a whole new face lift. “It’s been a whirlwind of construction,” Perry says, “and thanks to our senior managements, it’s not stopping any time soon.” Since Perry’s arrival, the company has also implemented a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). That system tracks all work order and asset data, as well as key performance indicators (KPIs), such as how long it takes to respond to maintenance requests, and how long it takes to complete work orders. That allows the facilities team to analyse and make course corrections at light speed. As a result of the system’s full implementation, the company they made huge productivity strides in those arenas.