TCS America West February 2024

Business World | March 2015 220 March 2015 | Business World 221 tainability. A key part of that is educating their tenants and encouraging their involvement in the process. In addition, Hammer says they’re going to remain dedicated to seeking out the latest equipment and methods to reduce their impact on the environment “We’re providingmore information and education to our tenants, because the more they know, the more we feel they’ll participate,” she says.”Enhancing those tenant programs and education is a future goal.” “You just have to keep up to date on the newest technologies and the newest ways of doing things,” Hammer continues.”To keep yourself smart and aware of what’s going on so that you’re ready to implement any new things that come along. It’s not going to end, the possibilities are boundless. Through all of AMA Plaza’s success, the end goal remains the same: to make the world a better place. Hammer says that beyond the gratifying feeling of winning awards and being a leader in the Chicago real estate sector, they want to share their knowledge and support others in sustainability efforts. “We’re trying to make a difference in the world,” she says.”So you don’t keep everything to yourself. You want to make the world better, the environment better, and that’s a community effort because it affects everybody on the planet.” DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - WEST