TCS America West February 2024

for architects, contractors, consultants, and even interior designers, BCAPG wants to work with collaborators. “When interviewing, we feel out how they work,” says Mensch. “We like to work with designers who are extremely collaborative to allow us to take a large role in all phases of development and design of a project. It is important to work with a team of consultants who communicate freely. We value subcontractors that will go beyond their basic scope of work, and make suggestions for improvements in design or value engineering.” Communication and honesty are also at the forefront of customer service. BCAPG strives to remain transparent with clients. In doing so, they can help match the right client to the perfect home. Leishman says, “A lot of that work goes in up front before you ever even meet a future renter or buyer. It is studying markets, demographics, trends, and what people want. We figure out who the prime demographic is and design to that. When you get to the point of sales, we are transparent about what we have to sell and if that is a good match for the ultimate buyer or renter.” BCAPG’s transparency has allowed for continued success. It has also given BCAPG some focus on the kind of projects it likes to undertake. “These days, what interests us are larger multi-family development projects and tract-home projects,” Mensch outlines. “We’re currently building a 40-unit apartment building, and we’re constantly looking for more projects. We like Southern California because there is a huge demand and unmet need for housing.” While focused currently on developments in Southern California, BCAPG is open to different locations and projects. Regardless of where, they want projects to be meaningful and positively impactful. “We just started, and we are growing our capabilities to do more projects and larger projects. A lot of it is finding the right opportunities. We make sure to only acquire and develop sites that create value for our partners and the people who live in the community. We are very calculated in determining which projects we take on,” says Leishman. Whether they are integrating a new building into the community or taking on a complicated project, Barrington Capital Group, LLC is making their mark on the real estate landscape in Southern California. They boast that complicated transactions are their strengths. That strength comes from experience, attention to detail, and collaboration. DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - WEST Formore information about BarringtonCapital Group, LLC, their team, or their projects – visit or reach out to Bryan Leishman at