TCS America West February 2024

DECEMBER 2023 THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AMERICA - WEST per year, depending on size and scope. I’m really happy with the volume we do and the team we have set up. I’m focused on our company being more efficient and profitable, as well as creating a better experience for our customers in the building process,” notes Byars. When looking at other divisions of Fireside Homes, Byars sees real growth opportunity within the Fireside Renovations team. The Renovation team has completedover600renovations for Fireside Homes. Byars sees the renovation team as one that could be a major point of growth for the company. “I’m focused on growth when it comes to our renovation team. I think we can double the size of the renovation team and keep them busy. To maintain a level of influence that we have in that area, our team needs to grow with qualified labor. I’m like everyone else in the world, trying to find qualified labor to do renovations,” Byars points out. No matter where expansion occurs or who fills in those new gaps, it is evident that Fireside Homes will continue to house employees that are always dedicated to quality of service and maintaining the utmost levels of integrity. Byars makes a point to carry tenants of faith through his company and his community. That faith is family-focused and service-focused. He always remains true to belief that integrity is important and such integrity should be imbued within work done for others, and the interactions had with others. That extends to employees as well. “My family is extremely important to me. Because of that, I recognize that other people’s families are important to them as well. If our families are happy then we are going to behappier andmoreproductive at work. We are constantly trying to learn and be aware of the best way to do things.” Fireside Homes will always work to achieve its mission of providing high-quality homes that improve quality of life, while maintaining high levels of trust, excellence, and integrity. Fireside Homes seeks to treat your family like their family, while delivering homes built with the utmost care & respect. Building relationships, one home at a time. Photo: Hannah Elyse Photo: Hannah Elyse