The Construction Source America

Foundations Design | 11 als to become more acquainted with each other as well as their respect services. Hark- ing back to realities resulting from the eco- nomic downturn, Pasternack says turnovers and turnarounds have seen some firms disap- pear from the community while others have moved in. Through Real Estate Connec- tions, industry professionals are kept more up-to-date and informed of exactly who is doing what, as well as all that is going on, within Atlanta’s real estate market and the industries which fuel that market. As Trow says, “We’re taking all the spheres of influ- ence and bringing them together under one roof.” Real Estate Connections has since be- come one of Atlanta’s largest and most pres- tigious of trade gatherings, with hundreds participating in these monthly networking events. Pasternack also works closely with a va- riety of real estate firms, conducting work- shops and seminars, advising on what can be done to help existing inventory sell faster. To some degree, Pasternack and Trow’s televi- sion appearances serve to provide more than awareness of their own talents, but awareness of the home opportunities and lifestyle ele- ments unique to Atlanta. The A&E network attracts millions of viewers throughout the The Hardendorf Master Bath, before remodel