The Construction Source America

Synchro Building Corporation | 15 Hempel ultimately contacted Synchro to provide all building design and construction management services. Synchro also served as the overall coordinator for the process engi- neering and equipment package provided by Hempel through a German supplier. Because of the weight and sensitive nature of the pro- cess equipment, silos and conveying systems, the floors for the plant were constructed with double matted, super flat structural concrete floor slabs. Large trusses were used to provide clear spans for large equipment and for the movement of raw and finished materials. In addition, connecting laborato- ries, an office building and parking spaces were designed to fit into a setting abundant with native trees. A small lake and fountain were positioned to complement the green belt environment. Other large initiatives have included a manufacturing facility, laboratory, ware- house and distribution center for the energy industry enterprise known as BJ Services. This project site encompassed some 70 acres and the creation of a roadway that could ac- commodate more than 60 tractor trailers coming in and out each day. The road was designed to loop around in such a way that no truck never needs to make turns or back into spaces, it allows for continual, efficient flow of traffic. And realizing the heavy loads that would be transported as well as stored in the facility, floors were reinforced with hardeners and the roadway reinforced with