The Construction Source America
Mitchell Historic Properties | 5 came known as “The Free State of Galves- ton.” The city, however wild or untamed, became a cultural-mecca in the late 1800’s. To review a list of those who have graced the stage of its Grand Opera House (established in 1894), is like reading a history of the en- tertainment industry’s most-celebrated su- perstars of song, dance and the performing arts. Dramatic, in fact, would fit to describe other aspects of Galveston’s history. In 1900, it was the tragic scene of America’s worst na- tional disaster when a hurricane decimated the city, claiming thousands of lives in the process. Other storms would follow, exact- 4VOTFU %S $POSPF 59 ] 1 ] ' XXX USNFDIBOJDBM DPN 1SPWJEJOH DPNNFSDJBM )7"$ TFSWJDFT XJUI FYQFSUJTF JO DIJMMFS DPOUSPMT BOE JOTUBMMBUJPO "65)03*;&% 4&37*$& $&/5&3 '03 504)*#" %3*7&4 8F BSF B QSFNJFS QSPWJEFS PG DPNNFSDJBM BJS DPOEJUJPOJOH BOE ESJWF UFDIOPMPHZ TFSWJDFT UIBU TUSJWFT UP CF ZPVS POMZ DIPJDF GPS DPNNFSDJBM JOTUBMMBUJPO DIJMMFS TFSWJDF SFQBJS BOE NBJOUFOBODF TFSWJDFT 8F BMTP PòFS TUBSUVQ BOE XBSSBOUZ SFQBJS PO 5PTIJCB ESJWFT BT BO BVUIPSJ[FE TFSWJDF DFOUFS 1SPWJEJOH FYDFQUJPOBM WBMVF BU B GBJS DPTU USBJOJOH BOE JOWFTUJOH JO UIF MBUFTU UFDIOPMPHJFT BOE NBLJOH PVS DVTUPNFS BOE DPNNVOJUZ JOUFSFTUT PVS öSTU QSJPSJUZ The Tremont House is located in the heart of Galvestons historic downtown.
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